Sunday, September 9, 2012

Thing #4: Commenting is the Spice of Life!

Thing #4

A blog without comments is essentially a personal journal. A writer composes a public blog in the hopes that others will read it, appreciate it, and give feedback. Thus, commenting allows a writer to gauge what is important to readers and inspires the writer to continue writing. By commenting, readers build a camaraderie and virtual relationship with the blogger.

For this assignment, I commented on a few of my classmates' blogs. I found a couple of the blogs witty and appreciated the colorful writings of Paige Samples and Satricia Moore. I also commented on Barrett Crane's, Stacey Horton's , and Sean Talamas's blog posts. All of these blogs contained different insights into the personalities of the writers, and I generally commented on the ideas contained within each post.

Because I love to cook and am interested in beauty, I found two different blogs that addressed these interests. The blog about cooking gave instructions about how to create a specific type of omelet. I then cooked the omelet according to the directions and commented on how good the recipe was. I also commented on a beauty blog that described how to apply Sally Hansen nail strips.

The two blogs can be accessed below:

Ultimately, commenting is the fuel of blogging. Without it, the blogosphere would cease to exist.

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