Sunday, November 25, 2012

One last thought...

One Last Thought...

This experience has helped me utilize tools on the Internet that I never knew existed. I learned so much about the different types of technology that are available that I never would have encountered otherwise. Although I may not be great at using all of the different types, I found that I really liked using some of the tools. For instance, I love the Google tools that are available, such as the calender and email alerts.

This program has affected my lifelong learning process by forcing me to face technology head on. Honestly, I think that I will be a better teacher for at least exploring these different tools.

Now that I am familiar with technology, I plan to integrate it into my classroom. I want to use Google Earth and blogs. The possibilities truly are endless! I hope that I continue to learn about the new and emerging technology. It is important for me to stay informed because my students will surely be informed!

Thank you for this experience!

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