Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thing #14: Flowcharts and Mindmaps

Thing #14: Flowcharts and Mindmaps

If anyone has been reading my blogs, they know that I am going to be an English teacher. With that being said, I chose to create a mindmap of the 6-Trait Writing Process for my students. The first site that I chose to use was, which was a site that allows you to create mindmaps. I love this site! You can create so many different things for your students. You can give them completed mindmaps for a unit or a lesson, which will aid in differentiated learning. You could also make out blank mindmaps that the students must fill out during the lesson. I have attached my mindmap below.

I also used the Gliffy site to create a flowchart. I used the same content for the flowchart as I did for the mindmap. I really liked both tools. The only real difference that I noticed between mindmaps and flowcharts is that a mindmap is a map of ideas and signifies that they are related. A flowchart, on the other hand, indicates the direction of the relationship. Students could use the flowchart to show how the relationship between ideas travel, and would be a great tool for science teachers.

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